Memdership Agreement

This membership agreement ("Membership Agreement") is headquartered in YATAĞAN MAH. 31 SK. NO: 9 INTERIOR DOOR NO: A SERİNHİSAR/
It has been concluded between the member ("Member") at the address of DENİZLİ ("Göcen Bıçak") and the member to determine the conditions for the Member to benefit from the Services offered on the website.

Göcen Bıçak and the Member will be referred to individually as the "Party" and jointly as the "Parties" in this Membership Agreement.

Purpose and Scope
Göcen Bıçak operates the online electronic commerce platform and is the seller of the products or services on the Website.

In accordance with this Membership Agreement, the Member wishes to become a member of the electronic commerce platform named and to purchase the products and/or services sold on this platform.

The purpose of this Membership Agreement is to determine the conditions for the Members to benefit from the Services offered by Göcen Bıçak on the Website and to determine the rights and obligations of the Parties in this direction. With the acceptance of this Membership Agreement by the Member, the Member accepts and declares that he/she has accepted all kinds of statements regarding the Services, usage, content, applications, Members and users provided by Göcen Bıçak, which is and will be on the Website. and commits.


Cookie Policy: It refers to the text that can be accessed through the Website, containing information about the cookies used in order to ensure the functional operability of the Website, to improve the shopping experience of the users, and to provide content suitable for the preferences and tastes of the users in line with the information regarding their visit to the Website.

Privacy Policy: It refers to the text that can be accessed through the Website and regulates the general privacy policy regarding Göcen Bıçak's personal data, including for what purposes and in what way the personal data transmitted by the Members through the Website will be used by Göcen Bıçak.

My Account Page: Refers to the Member-specific page that can be accessed only with the username and password determined by the relevant Member, where the Member can perform the necessary actions in order to benefit from the various applications and Services on the Website, enter his personal information and information requested on the basis of the application. it does.

Service: Refers to the practices put forward by Göcen Bıçak in order to enable the Members to carry out the works and transactions defined in this Membership Agreement.

Member: Refers to the real person who is a member of the Website within the scope of this Membership Agreement with Göcen Bıçak.

Website: Göcen Bıçak refers to the website with the domain name  on which it offers the Services determined by this Membership Agreement.

Rights and liabilities of the parties
In order to gain membership status, the user who wants to become a Member must approve this Membership Agreement on the Website and fill in the information requested here with correct and up-to-date information. The user who wishes to become a member must be over 18 (eighteen) years old. With the completion of the approval process and notification to the Member, the Membership status begins and thus the Member becomes subject to the rights and obligations specified in this Membership Agreement and the relevant parts of the Website. The Member, who does not provide accurate and up-to-date information while filling out the said Membership Agreement, is personally responsible for all damages that may arise due to this. The Member has the right to terminate the Membership status at any time by clicking the "Cancel Membership" button, which can be accessed from the My Account Page.

In the event that there is a dispute as to which person the membership rights and obligations belong to, and Göcen Bıçak makes a request in this regard, Göcen Bıçak will accept that the last person who has paid for any Service using the relevant Membership account is the owner of the Membership account and will act accordingly. In such a case, Göcen Bıçak reserves the right to act independently of the rule specified in this Article 4 in line with Membership information, Member transactions and similar information.

If the Member wishes to initiate any legal action or purchasing process regarding the advertisements viewed on the Website, he/she is obliged to fulfill all necessary legal obligations and legal procedures, including those on the Website, and that Göcen Bıçak does not accepts and declares that it has no information and responsibility.

The Member declares that he/she accepts that he/she will act in accordance with the provisions of this Membership Agreement, all conditions stated on the Website, applicable legislation and moral rules in the transactions and correspondence he/she performs on the Website. The legal and criminal responsibility for the transactions and actions of the Member within the Website belongs to him.

Göcen Bıçak may share the information of the Member with the said authorities upon the request of the competent authorities in accordance with the current legislation.

The user name and password information required by the Member in order to access the My Account Page and perform transactions on the Website is created by the Member, and the security and confidentiality of such information is entirely the responsibility of the Member. The member states that the transactions performed with his/her own username and password have been carried out by him/her, that he/she is responsible for these transactions in advance, that he/she cannot claim any objection and/or objection that he/she did not perform the works and transactions carried out in this way, and/or It accepts, declares and undertakes that it will not refrain from fulfilling its obligations based on the objection or the objection.

The Member shall not use the Website in an unlawful and unethical manner, especially in the following cases:
use of all or part of the Website for the purpose of disrupting, altering or reverse engineering;

Making transactions using false information or another person's information, creating unreal Membership accounts by using false or misleading personal data, including wrong or misleading residence address, e-mail address, contact, payment or account information, and the creation of these accounts in accordance with the Membership Agreement or in force. being used in violation of the legislation, unauthorized use of another Member's account, being a party or participant in transactions by impersonating another person or under a wrong name;

Use of comment and scoring systems for and outside the Website, such as posting comments on the Website outside of the Website;

Spreading a virus or any other technology harmful to the Website, the Website's database, any content on the Website;

Engaging in activities that will create unreasonable or disproportionately large downloads on communications and technical systems determined by the Website or harm technical operation, Automatic program, robot, web crawler, spider, data mining on the Website without the prior written consent of Göcen Bıçak. and the use of "screen scraping" software or systems such as data crawling, and in this way copying, publishing or using all or part of any content on the Website without permission.

The Member is obliged to carry out the transactions on the Website in a way that does not harm the Website in any way technically. Member, all information, content, material and other content to be provided to the Website, any program, virus, software, unlicensed product, trojan horse, etc. that will harm the system. It accepts and undertakes that it has taken all necessary precautions, including using the necessary protective software and licensed products, to prevent The Member also agrees that he will not enter the Account Page with robot or automatic login methods.

It is illegal to use the Website or the content on the Website in violation of the terms of use determined by this Membership Agreement or the provisions of the applicable legislation; Göcen Bıçak's claims, lawsuits and follow-up rights are reserved.

Privacy and Protection of Personal Data
Göcen Bıçak attaches importance to the processing, security and protection of the personal data provided by the Member through the Website in accordance with all kinds of legislation, including the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, in order to benefit from the Services offered on the Website. In this context, Göcen Bıçak collects, uses, transfers and processes the personal data provided by the Member in accordance with the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy on the Website. The member can review the Privacy Policy for more information on the conditions regarding the use of his personal data and his rights in this regard and can exercise his rights by sending an e-mail to or by calling the contact number.

Intellectual Property Rights
The Member may not use, share, distribute, display, reproduce, or create derivative works from the intellectual property rights of Göcen Bıçak, its subsidiaries or business partners, without the permission of Göcen Bıçak or the right holder.

Contract Changes
Göcen Bıçak, at its sole discretion, publishes this Membership Agreement and any policies, terms and conditions, including the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy on the Website, at any time it deems appropriate, provided that it does not contradict the provisions of the current legislation. can be changed unilaterally by declaring it. The amended provisions of this Membership Agreement will become valid on the date they are announced on the Website, and the remaining provisions will remain in effect and continue to have their terms and consequences. For the avoidance of doubt, this Membership Agreement cannot be changed unilaterally by the Member.

Force Majeure
Employer-employer disputes, including riots, embargoes, government intervention, riots, occupations, wars, mobilizations, strikes, lockouts, labor actions or boycotts, cyber-attack, communication problems, infrastructure and internet failures, system improvement or renovation works, and Failures, power cuts, fires, explosions, storms, floods, earthquakes, migrations, epidemics or other natural disasters or other events beyond the control of Göcen Bıçak, which are not caused by fault and cannot be reasonably foreseen ("Force Majeure"), hereinafter. If it prevents or delays the performance of its obligations arising from the Membership Agreement, Göcen Bıçak cannot be held responsible for its obligations that are prevented or delayed as a result of Force Majeure, and this cannot be considered as a violation of this Membership Agreement.

9. Miscellaneous Provisions

Evidence contract. The Member agrees that in disputes that may arise from this Membership Agreement, Göcen Bıçak's official books and commercial records and e-archive records, electronic information and computer records kept in Göcen Bıçak database and servers will constitute binding, final and exclusive evidence and that this article will be subject to Civil Procedure No. 6100. It accepts that it is in the nature of an evidential contract within the meaning of Article 193 of the Law.

Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution. This Membership Agreement shall be governed exclusively by the laws of the Republic of Turkey. Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Membership Agreement shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of Denizli Courts and Enforcement Offices.

Notification. Göcen Bıçak will communicate with the Member via the e-mail address that the Member provided during registration or by sending an SMS to the phone number. The member is obliged to keep his e-mail address and phone number up to date.

Integrity and Severability of the Membership Agreement. This Membership Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties on the subject. If any provision of this Membership Agreement is determined by any competent court, arbitral tribunal or administrative authority to be wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable or unreasonable, this Membership Agreement shall be deemed severable to the extent that such invalidity, unenforceability or unreasonableness exists; and other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Transfer of Membership Agreement. The Member may not assign, in whole or in part, its rights or obligations under this Membership Agreement without the prior written consent of Göcen Bıçak.

Amendment and Waiver. Failure of a Party to exercise or exercise any right granted to it in the Membership Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or prevent the further exercise or enforcement of such right.

Consisting of 9 (nine) articles, this Membership Agreement has entered into force by the Member's reading and fully understanding each provision and their approval in the electronic environment.